This may just be the change you've been looking for...

Remember - Our job is not to save you but to help you save yourself!

For Professional Help we offer :

Individual Counselling

Individual counselling is given to clients who are in need of support from a therapist or counsellor. They will help you manager your difficulties and give you different tools for you to use.

Group Counselling 

Group counselling offers a range of different benefits. The group therapist will lead the session and the clients will all be supported together to discuss a specific topic.

Couples Counselling 

Couples Counselling is for people who are struggling in their relationships and need that external support. This can help the couples to progress and fix their current issues.

For Self Help we offer:

Thinking Into Results Handouts/booklet

DBT Skills Handouts/booklet

Body/Mindfulness handouts/booklets

 Faith handouts / booklets

This is package 4 of Who You Are. Hope is a huge part of believing in yourself and having the courage to carry on with your daily life. To do this I believe you need Faith. Faith can mean anything of the sort e.g. religion, something higher than yourself, universe or anything you want. Buy this package now to complete your full Who You Are lessons